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streamload 字段有值,插入返回null
Ta的回复 :但是改成 yyyy-mm-dd后提示没这个分区,我的表是按照dt月份分区的 Reason: no partition for this tuple. tuple=(F506642505558598 2021-05-06 453539
streamload 字段有值,插入返回null
Ta的回复 :可以了,谢谢,是按照yyyy-mm-dd传才行。
insert 语句支持 有序吗?
Ta的回复 :嗯,是想原始数据先按照某个列进行排序,然后再导入?
insert 语句支持 有序吗?
Ta的回复 :目前我只能用 steamLoad指定 sequence column  这种方法去操作了
insert into 查询结果和插入数据有出入
Ta的回复 :CREATE TABLE `dwd_dingjia_inf_user_vehicle_history_list` ( `order_id` varchar(25) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `_dt` date NOT NULL COMMENT "", `user_id` largeint(40) NULL COMMENT "", `vc_order_id` varchar(60) NULL COMMENT "", `mch_type` varchar(30) NULL COMMENT "", `vin` varchar(40) NULL COMMENT "", `brand_id` int(11) NULL COMMENT "", `series_id` int(11) NULL COMMENT "", `model_id` int(11) NULL COMMENT "", `reg_date` date NOT NULL COMMENT "", `mile_age` double NOT NULL COMMENT "", `city_id` int(11) NULL COMMENT "", `engine_no` varchar(500) NULL COMMENT "", `query_status` tinyint(4) NULL COMMENT "", `pay_status` tinyint(4) NULL COMMENT "", `query_time` datetime NULL COMMENT "", `update_time` datetime NULL COMMENT "", `add_time` datetime NULL COMMENT "", `is_deleted` tinyint(4) NULL COMMENT "", `app_from` varchar(150) NULL COMMENT "", `license_pic` varchar(600) NULL COMMENT "", `model_name` varchar(150) NULL COMMENT "", `show_time` datetime NULL COMMENT "", `report_version` varchar(20) NULL COMMENT "", `_create_time` datetime NULL COMMENT "doris入库时间" ) ENGINE=OLAP UNIQUE KEY(`order_id`, `_dt`) COMMENT "dwd_dingjia_inf_user_vehicle_history_list" PARTITION BY RANGE(`_dt`) (PARTITION m201312 VALUES [('0000-01-01'), ('2013-12-01')), PARTITION m201401 VALUES [('2013-12-01'), ('2014-01-01')), PARTITION m201402 VALUES [('2014-01-01'), ('2014-02-01')), PARTITION m201403 VALUES [('2014-02-01'), ('2014-03-01')), PARTITION m201404 VALUES [('2014-03-01'), ('2014-04-01')), PARTITION m201405 VALUES [('2014-04-01'), ('2014-05-01')), PARTITION m201406 VALUES [('2014-05-01'), ('2014-06-01')), PARTITION m201407 VALUES [('2014-06-01'), ('2014-07-01')), PARTITION m201408 VALUES [('2014-07-01'), ('2014-08-01')), PARTITION m201409 VALUES [('2014-08-01'), ('2014-09-01')), PARTITION m201410 VALUES [('2014-09-01'), ('2014-10-01')), PARTITION m201411 VALUES [('2014-10-01'), ('2014-11-01')), PARTITION m201412 VALUES [('2014-11-01'), ('2014-12-01')), PARTITION m201501 VALUES [('2014-12-01'), ('2015-01-01')), PARTITION m201502 VALUES [('2015-01-01'), ('2015-02-01')), PARTITION m201503 VALUES [('2015-02-01'), ('2015-03-01')), PARTITION m201504 VALUES [('2015-03-01'), ('2015-04-01')), PARTITION m201505 VALUES [('2015-04-01'), ('2015-05-01')), PARTITION m201506 VALUES [('2015-05-01'), ('2015-06-01')), PARTITION m201507 VALUES [('2015-06-01'), ('2015-07-01')), PARTITION m201508 VALUES [('2015-07-01'), ('2015-08-01')), PARTITION m201509 VALUES [('2015-08-01'), ('2015-09-01')), PARTITION m201510 VALUES [('2015-09-01'), ('2015-10-01')), PARTITION m201511 VALUES [('2015-10-01'), ('2015-11-01')), PARTITION m201512 VALUES [('2015-11-01'), ('2015-12-01')), PARTITION m201601 VALUES [('2015-12-01'), ('2016-01-01')), PARTITION m201602 VALUES [('2016-01-01'), ('2016-02-01')), PARTITION m201603 VALUES [('2016-02-01'), ('2016-03-01')), PARTITION m201604 VALUES [('2016-03-01'), ('2016-04-01')), PARTITION m201605 VALUES [('2016-04-01'), ('2016-05-01')), PARTITION m201606 VALUES [('2016-05-01'), ('2016-06-01')), PARTITION m201607 VALUES [('2016-06-01'), ('2016-07-01')), PARTITION m201608 VALUES [('2016-07-01'), ('2016-08-01')), PARTITION m201609 VALUES [('2016-08-01'), ('2016-09-01')), PARTITION m201610 VALUES [('2016-09-01'), ('2016-10-01')), PARTITION m201611 VALUES [('2016-10-01'), ('2016-11-01')), PARTITION m201612 VALUES [('2016-11-01'), ('2016-12-01')), PARTITION m201701 VALUES [('2016-12-01'), ('2017-01-01')), PARTITION m201702 VALUES [('2017-01-01'), ('2017-02-01')), PARTITION m201703 VALUES [('2017-02-01'), ('2017-03-01')), PARTITION m201704 VALUES [('2017-03-01'), ('2017-04-01')), PARTITION m201705 VALUES [('2017-04-01'), ('2017-05-01')), PARTITION m201706 VALUES [('2017-05-01'), ('2017-06-01')), PARTITION m201707 VALUES [('2017-06-01'), ('2017-07-01')), PARTITION m201708 VALUES [('2017-07-01'), ('2017-08-01')), PARTITION m201709 VALUES [('2017-08-01'), ('2017-09-01')), PARTITION m201710 VALUES [('2017-09-01'), ('2017-10-01')), PARTITION m201711 VALUES [('2017-10-01'), ('2017-11-01')), PARTITION m201712 VALUES [('2017-11-01'), ('2017-12-01')), PARTITION m201801 VALUES [('2017-12-01'), ('2018-01-01')), PARTITION m201802 VALUES [('2018-01-01'), ('2018-02-01')), PARTITION m201803 VALUES [('2018-02-01'), ('2018-03-01')), PARTITION m201804 VALUES [('2018-03-01'), ('2018-04-01')), PARTITION m201805 VALUES [('2018-04-01'), ('2018-05-01')), PARTITION m201806 VALUES [('2018-05-01'), ('2018-06-01')), PARTITION m201807 VALUES [('2018-06-01'), ('2018-07-01')), PARTITION m201808 VALUES [('2018-07-01'), ('2018-08-01')), PARTITION m201809 VALUES [('2018-08-01'), ('2018-09-01')), PARTITION m201810 VALUES [('2018-09-01'), ('2018-10-01')), PARTITION m201811 VALUES [('2018-10-01'), ('2018-11-01')), PARTITION m201812 VALUES [('2018-11-01'), ('2018-12-01')), PARTITION m201901 VALUES [('2018-12-01'), ('2019-01-01')), PARTITION m201902 VALUES [('2019-01-01'), ('2019-02-01')), PARTITION m201903 VALUES [('2019-02-01'), ('2019-03-01')), PARTITION m201904 VALUES [('2019-03-01'), ('2019-04-01')), PARTITION m201905 VALUES [('2019-04-01'), ('2019-05-01')), PARTITION m201906 VALUES [('2019-05-01'), ('2019-06-01')), PARTITION m201907 VALUES [('2019-06-01'), ('2019-07-01')), PARTITION m201908 VALUES [('2019-07-01'), ('2019-08-01')), PARTITION m201909 VALUES [('2019-08-01'), ('2019-09-01')), PARTITION m201910 VALUES [('2019-09-01'), ('2019-10-01')), PARTITION m201911 VALUES [('2019-10-01'), ('2019-11-01')), PARTITION m201912 VALUES [('2019-11-01'), ('2019-12-01')), PARTITION m2010241 VALUES [('2019-12-01'), ('2020-01-01')), PARTITION m2010242 VALUES [('2020-01-01'), ('2020-02-01')), PARTITION m2010243 VALUES [('2020-02-01'), ('2020-03-01')), PARTITION m2010244 VALUES [('2020-03-01'), ('2020-04-01')), PARTITION m201021024 VALUES [('2020-04-01'), ('2020-05-01')), PARTITION m2010246 VALUES [('2020-05-01'), ('2020-06-01')), PARTITION m2010247 VALUES [('2020-06-01'), ('2020-07-01')), PARTITION m2010248 VALUES [('2020-07-01'), ('2020-08-01')), PARTITION m2010249 VALUES [('2020-08-01'), ('2020-09-01')), PARTITION m202010 VALUES [('2020-09-01'), ('2020-10-01')), PARTITION m202011 VALUES [('2020-10-01'), ('2020-11-01')), PARTITION m202012 VALUES [('2020-11-01'), ('2020-12-01')), PARTITION m202101 VALUES [('2020-12-01'), ('2021-01-01')), PARTITION m202102 VALUES [('2021-01-01'), ('2021-02-01')), PARTITION m202103 VALUES [('2021-02-01'), ('2021-03-01')), PARTITION m202104 VALUES [('2021-03-01'), ('2021-04-01')), PARTITION m202105 VALUES [('2021-04-01'), ('2021-05-01')), PARTITION m202106 VALUES [('2021-05-01'), ('2021-06-01')), PARTITION m202107 VALUES [('2021-06-01'), ('2021-07-01')), PARTITION m202108 VALUES [('2021-07-01'), ('2021-08-01'))) DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`order_id`) BUCKETS 10 PROPERTIES ( "replication_num" = "3", "dynamic_partition.enable" = "true", "dynamic_partition.time_unit" = "MONTH", "dynamic_partition.time_zone" = "Asia/Shanghai", "dynamic_partition.start" = "-2147483648", "dynamic_partition.end" = "2", "dynamic_partition.prefix" = "m", "dynamic_partition.replication_num" = "3", "dynamic_partition.buckets" = "10", "dynamic_partition.start_day_of_month" = "1", "in_memory" = "false", "storage_format" = "V2" );这个是我的建表语句
insert into 查询结果和插入数据有出入
Ta的回复 :我查出来 的条数是1961条 但是插入之后只有10条[图片]
insert into 查询结果和插入数据有出入
Ta的回复 :加了set enable_insert_strict=true 这个之后找到原因了,某个字段不能为空导致为空的数据全被过滤了。
be 挂了 timed out
Ta的回复 :[图片]
be 挂了 timed out
Ta的回复 :[图片]
be 挂了 timed out
Ta的回复 :上面那个是另一台机器的,图片报 违规,我就复制了   I0614 00:15:32.059589 6813 engine_publish_version_task.cpp:112] publish version successfully on tablet. tablet=98663.623722611.2348de48cacbf065-b3fb1a0c11176d82, transaction_id=183686, version=82, res=0 I0614 00:15:32.059594 6813 engine_publish_version_task.cpp:151] finish to publish version on transaction.transaction_id=183686, error_tablet_size=0 I0614 00:15:32.059597 6813 task_worker_pool.cpp:720] publish_version success. signature:183686 I0614 00:15:32.059885 6813 task_worker_pool.cpp:275] finish task success. I0614 00:15:32.059888 6813 task_worker_pool.cpp:260] remove task info. type=PUBLISH_VERSION, signature=183686, queue_size=0 I0614 00:15:34.907127 6827 task_worker_pool.cpp:1549] finish report TASK. master host:, port: 9020 W0614 00:15:42.040659 6904 thrift_rpc_helper.cpp:66] retrying call frontend service after 1000 ms, address=TNetworkAddress(hostname=, port=9020), reason=THRIFT_EAGAIN (timed out) I0614 00:15:44.907642 6827 task_worker_pool.cpp:1549] finish report TASK. master host:, port: 9020 I0614 00:15:50.641376 6774 load_channel_mgr.cpp:235] cleaning timed out load channels I0614 00:15:50.641396 6774 load_channel_mgr.cpp:268] load mem consumption(bytes). limit: 21490738134, current: 0, peak: 4783744 W0614 00:15:53.040670 6904 thrift_rpc_helper.cpp:79] call frontend service failed, address=TNetworkAddress(hostname=, port=9020), reason=THRIFT_EAGAIN (timed out) I0614 00:15:53.835001 7021 heartbeat_server.cpp:58] get heartbeat from FE.host:, port:9020, cluster id:776194195, counter:20149 I0614 00:15:54.908252 6827 task_worker_pool.cpp:1549] finish report TASK. master host:, port: 9020 W0614 00:15:55.041031 6904 stream_load.cpp:142] handle streaming load failed, id=e14efd90e5898d28-09444dc560daa481, errmsg=failed to call frontend service I0614 00:15:55.536036 6898 tablets_channel.cpp:59] open tablets channel: (id=594f32e6aecd055b-b4c7223fea9c0d84,index_id=97106), tablets num: 1154, timeout(s): 600 I0614 00:15:55.558145 6850 tablets_channel.cpp:141] close tablets channel: (id=594f32e6aecd055b-b4c7223fea9c0d84,index_id=97106), sender id: 0 I0614 00:15:55.576664 6850 txn_manager.cpp:250] commit transaction to engine successfully. partition_id: 97086, transaction_id: 183687, tablet: 98663.623722611.2348de48cacbf065-b3fb1a0c11176d82, rowsetid: 020000000010df2b874d949c23dc3d3f8bf11ca4adef119c, version: 0 I0614 00:15:55.576679 6850 delta_writer.cpp:343] close delta writer for tablet: 98663, stats: (flush time(ms)=3, flush count=1, flush bytes: 8192, flush disk bytes: 4263) I0614 00:15:55.590646 6850 txn_manager.cpp:250] commit transaction to engine successfully. partition_id: 97086, transaction_id: 183687, tablet: 98659.623722611.2a43309036c5017b-ccfbd0d6129c6e8a, rowsetid: 020000000010df31874d949c23dc3d3f8bf11ca4adef119c, version: 0 I0614 00:15:55.590656 6850 delta_writer.cpp:343] close delta writer for tablet: 98659, stats: (flush time(ms)=3, flush count=1, flush bytes: 8192, flush disk bytes: 4266) I0614 00:15:55.596220 6850 txn_manager.cpp:250] commit transaction to engine successfully. partition_id: 97086, transaction_id: 183687, tablet: 98655.623722611.7b49ccb58a6ea397-35cb64ff7b6bc2aa, rowsetid: 020000000010df29874d949c23dc3d3f8bf11ca4adef119c, version: 0 I0614 00:15:55.596230 6850 delta_writer.cpp:343] close delta writer for tablet: 98655, stats: (flush time(ms)=2, flush count=1, flush bytes: 8192, flush disk bytes: 4518) I0614 00:15:55.602116 6850 txn_manager.cpp:250] commit transaction to engine successfully. partition_id: 97086, transaction_id: 183687, tablet: 98651.623722611.244fe4af41d58c01-aa222fb95f30809f, rowsetid: 020000000010df2f874d949c23dc3d3f8bf11ca4adef119c, version: 0 I0614 00:15:55.602126 6850 delta_writer.cpp:343] close delta writer for tablet: 98651, stats: (flush time(ms)=2, flush count=1, flush bytes: 8192, flush disk bytes: 4483) I0614 00:15:55.607185 6850 txn_manager.cpp:250] commit transaction to engine successfully. partition_id: 97086, transaction_id: 183687, tablet: 98647.623722611.6740432732c1b64b-0140adeda79d489d, rowsetid: 020000000010df2a874d949c23dc3d3f8bf11ca4adef119c, version: 0 I0614 00:15:55.607192 6850 delta_writer.cpp:343] close delta writer for tablet: 98647, stats: (flush time(ms)=3, flush count=1, flush bytes: 8192, flush disk bytes: 4349) I0614 00:15:55.613067 6850 txn_manager.cpp:250] commit transaction to engine successfully. partition_id: 97086, transaction_id: 183687, tablet: 98643.623722611.534f4749c905d595-5491aae9155180b5, rowsetid: 020000000010df2d874d949c23dc3d3f8bf11ca4adef119c, version: 0 I0614 00:15:55.613077 6850 delta_writer.cpp:343] close delta writer for tablet: 98643, stats: (flush time(ms)=3, flush count=1, flush bytes: 8192, flush disk bytes: 4362) I0614 00:15:55.619001 6850 txn_manager.cpp:250] commit transaction to engine successfully. partition_id: 97086, transaction_id: 183687, tablet: 98639.623722611.984c6ed03383e742-310d609b33bf2ead, rowsetid: 020000000010df30874d949c23dc3d3f8bf11ca4adef119c, version: 0 I0614 00:15:55.619011 6850 delta_writer.cpp:343] close delta writer for tablet: 98639, stats: (flush time(ms)=3, flush count=1, flush bytes: 8192, flush disk bytes: 4213) I0614 00:15:55.624810 6850 txn_manager.cpp:250] commit transaction to engine successfully. partition_id: 97086, transaction_id: 183687, tablet: 98635.623722611.48419bec8582413d-17dfdc93d5394493, rowsetid: 020000000010df32874d949c23dc3d3f8bf11ca4adef119c, version: 0 I0614 00:15:55.624815 6850 delta_writer.cpp:343] close delta writer for tablet: 98635, stats: (flush time(ms)=3, flush count=1, flush bytes: 8192, flush disk bytes: 4296) I0614 00:15:55.630653 6850 txn_manager.cpp:250] commit transaction to engine successfully. partition_id: 97086, transaction_id: 183687, tablet: 98631.623722611.434a7726860bb3c3-ad125e8b27a7a69b, rowsetid: 020000000010df2c874d949c23dc3d3f8bf11ca4adef119c, version: 0 I0614 00:15:55.630658 6850 delta_writer.cpp:343] close delta writer for tablet: 98631, stats: (flush time(ms)=3, flush count=1, flush bytes: 8192, flush disk bytes: 4524) I0614 00:15:55.636569 6850 txn_manager.cpp:250] commit transaction to engine successfully. partition_id: 97086, transaction_id: 183687, tablet: 98627.623722611.82402ea6c289cafc-a7bb2b81a66e8e84, rowsetid: 020000000010df2e874d949c23dc3d3f8bf11ca4adef119c, version: 0 I0614 00:15:55.636574 6850 delta_writer.cpp:343] close delta writer for tablet: 98627, stats: (flush time(ms)=3, flush count=1, flush bytes: 8192, flush disk bytes: 3998) I0614 00:15:55.636864 6850 load_channel_mgr.cpp:152] removing load channel 594f32e6aecd055b-b4c7223fea9c0d84 because it's finished
be 挂了 timed out
Ta的回复 :[图片]
be 挂了 timed out
Ta的回复 :[图片]
Ta的回复 :本地docker环境编译的
stream load写入失败版本失败
Ta的回复 :我也遇到了找个报错,我这边经过多次测试,是因为json字符串过长导致的,目前也没有找到好的解决方案,只能把jsonArray 的数据 分段插入,但是这么搞会导致http调用的频次过多,偶尔会出现socket 超时的情况
stream load写入失败版本失败
Ta的回复 :你看下你那边是不是json过长导致的,我这边也出现了这个报错,目前没什么好的解决方案,你要是也是这个原因导致的,找到解决方案告知一声啊。
streamload socket error
Ta的回复 :问题已经解决 http://ai.baidu.com/forum/topic/show/989093
insert into errCode =2
Ta的回复 :我现在降低了,但是一条数据也导入不进去了,只要一导入就报错,这种情况咋处理啊?这个我问题我遇到好多次了,之前都是把数据丢到另一张表里面,然后truncate 一下原表再导回去,但是一致这么搞也不是个事啊
insert into errCode =2
Ta的回复 :我用sparkstreaming 消费kafka 现在已经把时间设置为5min一次了,然后我把buckets 也调小了,原来是20,现在调成了3。
mysql binlog插入经常出现-235
Ta的回复 :可是出现这个后怎么解决呢?我每次只能删表重建,不然这张表就再也插不了任何数据了  
errCode = 3, detailMessa
Ta的回复 :[图片]根据SHOW PROC '/statistic/1770514';命令查出来的结果是这个,我看下了先前也有人遇到这个错误了,不过那人的副本还有一个,我这个一个没有,需要怎么操作 ?也用这个命令吗?ADMIN SET REPLICA STATUS PROPERTIES("tablet_id" = "10003", "backend_id" = "10001", "status" = "bad");  