Ta的回复 :这是VB 调用 easyDL api Private Function getToken() Dim xmlhttp Dim url Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp") With xmlhttp url = "" .Open "POST", url, False '////填网址 .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" .send "MENU=200&code=1540&JOB=VOTE" '////填写所需send的内容 Dim p As Object, key As Variant Set p = JSON.parse(.responseText) getToken = p.Item("access_token") 'Text2.Text = .responseText 'MsgBox .responseText '显示POST之后网页返回的结果 End With Set xmlhttp = Nothing End Function Private Function sendPic(Token As String)'发送base64 图像文件 解析反馈结果 Dim xmlhttp Dim url Dim p As Object Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp") With xmlhttp url = "" & Token .Open "POST", url, False '////填网址 .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json" .send TXTImg.Text '////填写所需send的内容 Respone.Text = .responseText Set p = JSON.parse(.responseText) nook.Text = JSONParse("results[0].score", toString(p)) * 100 '解析Json 结果 ok.Text = JSONParse("results[1].score", toString(p)) * 100 End With Set xmlhttp = Nothing End Function Public Function JSONParse(ByVal JSONPath As String, ByVal JSONString As String) As Variant Dim JSON As Object Set JSON = CreateObject("MSScriptControl.ScriptControl") JSON.Language = "JScript" JSONParse = JSON.Eval("JSON=" & JSONString & ";JSON." & JSONPath & ";") Set JSON = Nothing End Function