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B. Tiemeyer, et al. Ecological Indicators 109(2020)105838 Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection. We would Hahn-Schofl, M., Minke, M., I challer, L., Schagner, like to thank all the technical staff, students and anyone else who J.P., Sommer,., Thuille, A., We z durch Moorschutz: helped in the field and in the laboratory as well as farmers and Nature Schlussbericht des Vorhabens"Kli tegien2006-2010. Technical Univ edoks/ Protection Agencies who granted access to the measurement sites. 01fb13/73 Furthermore, we thank Carla Bockermann (HSWT) for language EC, 2013. Decisi ouncil of 21 editing. May 2013 Is resulting fre mation Appendix A. Supplementary data2013/529/ EC, 2018. Regu ncil of 30 supplementary data to this article can be found online at https:// May 2018 or m land use. land use k, anddoi.org/10.1016/jecolind.2019.105838. 3/eu. http: //data. References Eickenscheidt,., F . 2014a. Short- te greenhouse gas,6187-6207 AdV (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Ver http 2014b. NitrogerD tung der linder der Bundesrepublik Eicl 2003. atkis. objektkartenkatalog basis-dlm. http://www.atkis. de/nd :1 =1&dst_typ=25& dst verdsta Arets, E.J.M.M., va P., Kramer,H.2961-297 Kuikman, P.J., or the LULUCF Eicl sector in the Net 018.Statutory Research Tasks Unit ot-technical report 113,015. Wa Vageningen, The Net Elsgaard,L Baty,., Ritz, C., Charles.o.,2012 AToolbo(5),1-21.ht https Bechtold, M., Ti Evans,C., scale regi5194 Ecology Bechtold, M., Sch dyn the deeply-c78,573-590.3390/rs Belting,S., Fr "Klimarel Beetz, S., Lieb of land use Biog Beyer, C., 2014. G with the Effects of thesis. Un edocs/00103 Beyer, C., Hoper,2101-2117. Beyer, C., Liebe on a te99-111.ht BGR(Federal Ir Bonn,A., B t peat culti- V., Per M., Wich freiche GlenndD Technische Visualizations of Bruimmer, hurkuck atzel, S., 2017. vs. qua on a former bog design.189/map.2015 Buchen,C., Well,R. 2017. Soil mi Agric.,Ecosys I removal as a Ecol. Eng. 85, Caspers,G., Schmat er M Sommer M Telma39,75-98 Couwenberg,., ThcL tical approach2014.09.005. Drosler, M., 2005. ands: rog. Phys. Geog thesis. Technicaldeid=603619 rai bog drained fo Drosler, M., F Biogeosciences 11, peatland gre A. (Eds.), The Continental-Sca ed 1996 IPCC Guidelines Studies, pp. 237-255 Drosler, M., Adelmann, W., A actice Guidance and Freibauer, A., Giebels, M., Gorlitz, S., Hoper, H. Change), 2003. Good Practice Guidance for




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