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Ta的回复 :321 又封百金赠与封肃,又送甄家娘子许多礼物,令其且自过活,以待访寻女儿下落。 322 却说娇杏那丫头便是当年回顾雨村的,因偶然一看便弄出这段奇缘,也是意想不到之事。 323 只一年便生一子,又半载雨村嫡配忽染疾下世,雨村便将他扶作正室夫人。 324 原来雨村因那年士隐赠银之后,他于十六日便起身赴京。 325 大比之期,十分得意,中了进士,选入外班 326 今已升了本县太爷。 327 虽才干优长,未免贪酷,且恃才侮上,那同寅皆侧目而视。 328 不上一年,便被上司参了一本。 329 貌似有才,性实狡猾,又题了一两件徇庇蠹役、交结乡绅之事。 330 龙颜大怒,即命革职。 331 部文一到,本府各官无不喜悦。 332 那雨村虽十分惭恨,面上却全无一点怨色,仍是嘻笑自若。 333 交代过了公事,将历年所积的宦囊,并家属人等,送至原籍安顿妥当了。 334 却自己担风袖月,游览天下胜迹。 335 那日偶又游至维扬地方,闻得今年盐政点的是林如海。 336 表字如海,乃是前科的探花,今已升兰台寺大夫。 337 本贯姑苏人氏,今钦点为巡盐御史。 338 到任未久。 339 原来这林如海之祖也曾袭过列侯的,今到如海,业经五世。 340 ——起初只袭三世,因当今隆恩盛德,额外加恩,至如海之父又袭了一代。
Ta的回复 :[图片]
Ta的回复 :341 到了如海便从科第出身。虽系世禄之家,却是书香之族。 342 只可惜这林家支庶不盛,人丁有限,虽有几门,却与如海俱是堂族,没甚亲支嫡派的。 343 今如海年已五十,只有一个三岁之子,又于去岁亡了。 344 虽有几房姬妾,奈命中无子,亦无可如何之事。 345 只嫡妻生得一女,乳名黛玉,年方五岁。 346 夫妻爱之如掌上明珠。 347 见他生得聪明俊秀,也欲使他识几个字,不过假充养子,聊解膝下荒凉之叹。 348 贾雨村在旅店偶感风寒。 349 愈后又因盘费不继,正欲得一个居停之所以为息肩之地。 350 偶遇两个旧友认得新盐政,知他正要请一西席教训女儿。 351 遂将雨村荐进衙门去。 352 这女学生年纪幼小,其馀不过两个伴读丫鬟。 353 身体又弱,工课不限多寡,故雨村十分省力。 354 看看又是一载有馀,不料女学生之母贾氏夫人一病而亡。 355 女学生奉侍汤药,守丧尽礼,过于哀痛。 356 素本怯弱,因此旧病复发,有好些时不曾上学。 357 雨村闲居无聊,每当风日晴和,饭后便出来闲步。 358 这一日偶至郊外,意欲赏鉴那村野风光。 359 信步至一山环水漩、茂林修竹之处,隐隐有座庙宇。 360 门巷倾颓,墙垣剥落。
Ta的回复 :341 He himself however, had made his career through the examinations, for his family was cultured as well as noble. 342 Unfortunately it was not prolific, although several branches existed, and Lin Ruhai had cousins but no brothers or sisters. 343 Now he was in his forties and his only son had died at the age of three the previous year. 344 He had several concubines but fate had not granted him another son, and he could not remedy this. 345 By his wife, he had a daughter Daiyu just five years old. 346 Both parents loved her dearly. 347 And because she was as intelligent as she was pretty, they decided to give her a good education to make up for their lack of a son and help them forget their loss. 348 Yucun had caught a chill which laid him up in his inn for a month and more. 349 Exhausted by his illness, and short of funds, he was searching for somewhere to recuperate. 350 Fortunately he had two old friends here who knew that the Sale Commissioner was looking for a tutor. 351 Upon their recommendation Yucun was given the post, which provided the security he needed. 352 He was lucky, too, to have as pupil only one small girl accompanied by two maids. 353 Since the child was so delicate, her lessons were irregular and this meant that his duties were light. 354 In a twinkling another year went by and then his pupil's mother unexpectedly fell ill and died. 355 The little girl attended her during her illness and then went into strict mourning. 356 Recently, grief had brought about a relapse in the delicate child's health, and for days at a time she had to abandon her studies. 357 Then Yucun, finding time hang heavy on his hands, used to take a walk after his meals when the weather was fine. 358 One day he strolled to the outskirts of the city to enjoy the countryside. 359 He came to luxuriant woods and bamboo groves set among hills and interlaced by streams, with a temple half hidden among the foliage. 360 The entrance was in ruins, the walls were crumbling.
Ta的回复 :谢谢
Ta的回复 :361 有额题曰:智通寺。 362 门旁又有一副旧破的对联云: 363 身后有馀忘缩手; 364 眼前无路想回头。 365 这两句文虽甚浅,其意则深。 366 也曾游过些名山大刹,倒不曾见过这话头。 367 其中想必有个翻过筋斗来的也未可知。 368 何不进去一访。 369 走入看时,只有一个龙钟老僧在那里煮粥。 370 雨村见了,却不在意,及至问他两句话。 371 那老僧既聋且昏,又齿落舌钝,所答非所问。 372 雨村不耐烦,仍退出来,意欲到那村肆中沽饮三杯,以助野趣。 373 刚入肆门,只见座上吃酒之客有一人起身大笑。 374 奇遇,奇遇! 375 此人是都中古董行中贸易姓冷号子兴的,旧日在都相识。 376 雨村最赞这冷子兴是个有作为大本领的人,这子兴又借雨村斯文之名,故二人最相投契。 377 老兄何日到此? 378 弟竟不知。 379 今日偶遇,真奇缘也。 380 去年岁底到家,今因还要入都,从此顺路找个敝友说一句话。
Ta的回复 :361 A placard above the gate bore the inscription: Temple of Perspicacity. 362 And flanking the gate were two mouldering boards with the couplet: 363 Though plenty was left after death, he forgot to hold his hand back; 364 Only at the end of the road does one think of turning on to the right track. 365 Trite as the language is, this couplet has deep significance. 366 I've never come across anything like it in all the famous temples I've visited. 367 There may be a story behind it of someone who has tasted the bitterness of life, some repentant sinner. 368 I'll go in and ask. 369 But inside he found only a doddering old monk cooking gruel. 370 Not very impressed, Yucun casually asked him a few questions. 371 The man proved to be deaf as well as dim-witted, for his mumbled answers were quite irrelevant. 372 Yucun went out again in disgust and decided to improve the occasion by drinking a few cups in a village tavern. 373 He had scarcely set foot inside the door when one of the men who was drinking there rose to his feet and accosted him with a laugh. 374 Fancy meeting you here! 375 It was Leng Zixing, a curio-dealer whom he had met in the capital. 376 Yucun admired his enterprise and ability while Zixing was eager to cultivate one of the literati, they had hit it off well together and become good friends. 377 When did you arrive, brother? 378 I'd no idea you were in these parts. 379 What a coincidence, meeting you here. 380 I went home at the end of last year and stopped here on my way back to the capital to look up an old friend.
Ta的回复 :381 承他的情,留我多住两日。 382 我也无甚紧事,且盘桓两日。 383 待月半时也就起身了。 384 今日敝友有事,我因闲走到此。 385 不期这样巧遇! 386 一面说一面让雨村同席坐了,另整上酒肴来。 387 二人闲谈慢饮,叙些别后之事。 388 近日都中可有新闻没有? 389 倒没有什么新闻。 390 倒是老先生的贵同宗家出了一件小小的异事。 391 弟族中无人在都。 392 何谈及此? 393 你们同姓,岂非一族? 394 雨村问:是谁家? 395 荣国贾府中,可也不玷辱老先生的门楣了! 396 原来是他家。 397 若论起来,寒族人丁却自不少。 398 东汉贾复以来,支派繁盛,各省皆有。 399 谁能逐细考查? 400 若论荣国一支,却是同谱。
Ta的回复 :381 He was good enough to ask me to stay. 382 I've no urgent business I'm breaking my journey for a couple of days. 383 I shall go on about the middle of the month. 384 My friend's busy today, so I came out for a stroll and stopped here to rest. 385 I'd no idea I'd run into you like this.” 386 He made Yucun sit down at his table and ordered more food and wine. 387 Drinking slowly, they spoke of all they had done since parting. 388 Is there any news from the capital? 389 Nothing much. 390 But something rather curious has happened in the house of one of your noble kinsmen. 391 I've no kinsmen in the capital. 392 Who do you mean? 393 You have the same surname even if you don't belong to the same clan. 394 Yucun asked to whom he alluded. 395 The Jia family of the Rong Mansion. You needn't be ashamed of the connection. 396 Oh, that family. 397 To tell the truth, our clan is a very large one. 398 Since the time of Jia Fu of the Eastern Han Dynasty its branches have multiplied until now you find Jias in every province. 399 Impossible to keep track of them all. 400 The Rong branch and mine are, however, on the same clan register.
Ta的回复 :401 但他那等荣耀,我们不便去认他,故越发生疏了。 402 休这样说。 403 如今的这荣、宁两府,也都萧索了。 404 不比先时的光景! 405 当日宁荣两宅人口也极多。 406 如何便萧索了呢? 407 说来也话长。 408 去岁我到金陵时,因欲游览六朝遗迹,那日进了石头城,从他宅门前经过。 409 街东是宁国府,街西是荣国府,二宅相连,竟将大半条街占了。 410 大门外虽冷落无人,隔着围墙一望,里面厅殿楼阁也还都峥嵘轩峻,就是后边一带花园里,树木山石,也都还有葱蔚洇润之气。 411 那里象个衰败之家? 412 亏你是进士出身,原来不通。 413 古人有言:百足之虫,死而不僵。 414 如今虽说不似先年那样兴盛,较之平常仕宦之家,到底气象不同。 415 如今人口日多,事务日盛,主仆上下都是安富尊荣,运筹谋画的竟无一个。 416 那日用排场,又不能将就省俭。 417 如今外面的架子虽没很倒,内囊却也尽上来了。 418 这也是小事。 419 谁知这样钟鸣鼎食的人家儿,如今养的儿孙,竟一代不如一代了! 420 这样诗礼之家,岂有不善教育之理?
Ta的回复 :401 But they're so grand that we've never claimed relationship and are gradually drifting further and further apart. 402 Don't talk like that. 403 Both the Ning and Rong branches have declined.. 404 They're not what they used to be. 405 They used to be enormous households. 406 How is that possible?  407 It's a long story. 408 Last year when I was in Jinling, on my way to visit the Six Dynasty ruins I went to the Stone City and passed the gates of their old mansions. 409 Practically the whole north side of the street is taken up by their houses, the Ning Mansion on the east and the Rong Mansion adjoining it on the west. 410 There wasn't much coming and going outside their gates, but over the wall I caught glimpses of most imposing halls and pavilions, while the trees and rockeries of the gardens behind had a flourishing, opulent look. 411 There was nothing to suggest a house in decline. 412 For a Palace Graduate you're not very smart. 413 A centipede dies but never falls down, as the old saying goes. 414 Although they're not as prosperous as before, they're still a cut above ordinary official families. 415 Their households are increasing and their commitments are growing all the time, while masters and servants alike are so used to lording it in luxury that not one of them thinks ahead. 416 They squander money every day and are quite incapable of economizing. 417 Outwardly they may look as grand as ever, but their purses are nearly empty. 418 That's not their worst trouble, though. 419 Who would've thought that each new generation of this noble and scholarly clan is inferior to the last? 420 A family so cultured and versed in etiquette knows the importance of a good upbringing?
Ta的回复 :421 别门不知,只说这宁荣两宅,是最教子有方的,何至如此? 422 正说的是这两门呢。 423 等我告诉你。 424 当日宁国公荣国公是一母同胞弟兄两个。 425 宁公居长,生了两个儿子。宁公死后,长子贾代化袭了官。 426 也养了两个儿子:长子名贾敷,八九岁上死了,只剩了一个次子贾敬,袭了官。 427 如今一味好道,只爱烧丹炼汞,别事一概不管。 428 幸而早年留下一个儿子,名唤贾珍,因他父亲一心想作神仙,把官倒让他袭了。 429 他父亲又不肯住在家里,只在都中城外和那些道士们胡羼。 430 这位珍爷也生了一个儿子,今年才十六岁,名叫贾蓉。 431 如今敬老爷不管事了,这珍爷那里干正事? 432 把那宁国府竟翻过来了也没有敢来管他的人。 433 再说荣府你听:方才所说异事就出在这里。 434 自荣公死后,长子贾代善袭了官,娶的是金陵世家史侯的小姐为妻。生了两个儿子,贾赦和贾政。 435 如今代善早已去世,太夫人尚在。 436 长子贾赦袭了官。 437 次子贾政,自幼酷喜读书,为人端方正直。 438 祖父钟爱,原要他从科甲出身,不料代善临终遗本一上,皇上怜念先臣,即叫长子袭了官;又问还有几个儿子,立刻引见,又将这政老爷赐了个额外主事职衔,叫他入部习学。 439 如今现已升了员外郎。 440 这政老爷的夫人王氏,生的公子名叫贾珠,十四岁进学,后来娶了妻、生了子,不到二十岁,一病就死了。
Ta的回复 :421 I can't vouch for our other branches, but I've always heard that these two houses take great pains over the education of their sons. 422 It's these two houses I'm talking about. 423 Just hear me out. 424 The Duke of Ningguo and the Duke of Rongguo were brothers by the same mother. 425 The Duke of Ningguo, the elder, had two sons and after his death the oldest of these, Jia Daihua, succeeded to the title. 426 The elder of his two sons, Jia Fu, died at the age of eight or nine leaving the younger, Jia Jing, to inherit the title. 427 But he's so wrapped up in Taoism that he takes no interest in anything but distilling elixirs. 428 Luckily when he was younger he had a son Jia Zhen, to whom he's relinquished the title so that he can give all his mind to becoming an immortal. 429 And instead of going back to his native place he's hobnobbing with Taoist priests outside the city. 430 Jia Zhen has a son called Rong just turned sixteen. 431 Jia Jing washes his hands of all mundane matters, and Jia Zhen has never studied but lives for pleasure. 432 He's turning the Ning Mansion upside down, yet no one dares to restrain him. 433 Now for the Rong Mansion, where that curious business I just mentioned took place. 434 After the death of the Duke of Rongguo, his elder son Jia Daishan succeeded to the title and married a daughter of Marquis Shi of Jinling, by whom he had two sons, Jia She and Jia Zheng. 435 Jia Daishan has been dead for many years but his wife, Lady Dowager Shi, is still alive. 436 Their elder son Jia She inherited the title. 437 The younger, Jia Zheng, was so fond of studying as a child that he was his grandfather's favourite and he hope to make a career for himself through the examinations. 438 When Jia Daishan died, however, he left a valedictory memorial, and the Emperor out of regard for his former minister not only conferred the title on his elder son but asked what other sons there were, granted Jia Zheng an audience, and as an additional favour gave him the rank of Assistant Secretary with instructions to familiarize himself with affairs in one of the ministries. 439 He has now risen to the rank of Under-Secretary. 440 Jia Zheng's wife, Lady Wang, bore him a son called Jia Zhu who passed the district examination at fourteen, married before be was twenty and had a son, but then fell ill and died.
Ta的回复 :441 His second child was a daughter, born strangely enough on the first day of the year. 442 But stranger still was the birth later of a son who came into the world with a piece of clear, brilliantly coloured jade in his mouth. 443 There are even inscriptions on the jade. 444 Isn't that extraordinary? 445 It certainly is. The boy should have a remarkable future. 446 That's what everyone says. 447 And for that reason his grandmother dotes on him. 448 On his first birthday Jia Zheng tested his disposition by setting all sorts of different objects before him to see which he would select. 449 Believe it or not, ignoring everything else he reached out for the rouge, powder-boxes, hair ornaments and bangles! 450 His father was furious and swore he'd grow up to be a dissolute rake. 451 Because of this he's not too fond of the boy. 452 But the child's still his grandmother's darling. 453 He's seven or eight now and remarkably mischievous, yet so clever you won't find his equal in a hundred. 454 And he says the strangest things for a child. 455 Girls are made of water, men of mud. 456 I feel clean and refreshed when I'm with girls but find men dirty and stinking. 457 Isn't that absurd? 458 He's bound later on to run after women like the very devil. 459 That doesn't follow. 460 You don't know how he's come into the world.
Ta的回复 :[图片]
Ta的回复 :[图片]
Ta的回复 :[图片]
Ta的回复 :481 纵然生于薄祚寒门,甚至为奇优,为名娼,亦断不至为走卒健仆,甘遭庸夫驱制。 482 如前之许由、陶潜、阮籍、嵇康、刘伶、王谢二族、顾虎头、陈后主、唐明皇、宋徽宗、刘庭芝、温飞卿、米南宫、石曼卿、柳耆卿、秦少游。 483 近日倪云林、唐伯虎、祝枝山,再如李龟年、黄幡绰、敬新磨、卓文君、红拂、薛涛、崔莺、朝云之流。 484 此皆易地则同之人也。 485 依你说,成则公侯败则贼了? 486 正是这意。 487 你还不知,我自革职以来,这两年遍游各省,也曾遇见两个异样孩子。 488 所以方才你一说这宝玉,我就猜着了八九也是这一派人物。 489 不用远说,只这金陵 490 城内钦差金陵省体仁院总裁甄家,你可知道? 491 谁人不知! 492 这甄府就是贾府老亲,他们两家来往极亲热的。 493 就是我也和他家往来非止一日了。 494 去岁我在金陵,也曾有人荐我到甄府处馆。 495 我进去看其光景,谁知他家那等荣贵,却是个富而好礼之家。 496 倒是个难得之馆。 497 但是这个学生虽是启蒙,却比一个举业的还劳神。 498 说起来更可笑,他说:必得两个女儿陪着我读书,我方能认得字,心上也明白,不然我心里自己糊涂。 499 这女儿两个字极尊贵极清净的,比那瑞兽珍禽、奇花异草更觉希罕尊贵呢。 500 你们这种浊口臭舌万万不可唐突了这两个字。
Ta的回复 :481 Even if born into luckless and humble homes, they will never grow up into yamen runners or servants at the beck and call of the vulgar --- they'll turn out celebrated actors or courtesans. 482 People of this type in the past were Xu You, Tao Qian, Yuan Ji, Ji Kang and Liu Ling, the two families of Wang and Xie, Gu Kaizhi, Chen Shubao, the Tang emperor Minghuang, the Song emperor Huizong, Liu Tingzhi, Wen Tingyun, Mi Fu, Shi Yannian, Liu Yong and Qin Guan. 483 More recent examples are Ni Zan, Tang Yin and Zhu Yunming. Then there are others like Li Guinian, Huang Fanchuo, Jing Xinmo, Zhuo Wenjun, Hongfo, Xue Tao, Cui Yingying and Zhaoyun. 484 All of these, in their different fields, were essentially the same. 485 You're saying that such people may become princes or thieves, depending on whether they're successful or not. 486 Exactly. 487 You don't know yet that since my dismissal I've spent two years travelling through different provinces and come across one or two remarkable children. 488 Hence my guess that this Baoyu you mentioned belongs to the same category. 489 Let me give you an example no further away than Jinling. 490 You know Mr. Zhen, who was principal of the Jinling Provincial College? 491 Who doesn't know him?  492 The Zhen and Jia families are interrelated and on a very friendly footing. 493 I've done business with the Zhens a number of times. 494 Last year when I was in Jinling, someone recommended me to the Zhens as a resident tutor. 495 I was surprised to find their household so grand, yet it combined wealth with propriety. 496 Posts like that are not easy to come by. 497 But although my pupil was a beginner, he was harder to teach then a candidate for the Provincial Examination. 498 Here's an example of the absurd things he'd say: I must have two girls as company while I study, or I can't learn character my brain gets muddled. 499 The word “girl” is so honourable and pure, not even the supreme Buddhist and Taoist titles can compare with it. 500 You with your filthy mouths and stinking tongues must never violate it.
Ta的回复 :501 但凡要说的时节,必用净水香茶漱了口方可。 502 设若失错,便要凿牙穿眼的。 503 其暴虐顽劣,种种异常。 504 只放了学进去,见了那些女儿们,其温厚和平、聪敏文雅,竟变了一个样子。 505 因此他令尊也曾下死笞楚过几次,竟不能改。 506 每打的吃疼不过时,他便姐姐妹妹的乱叫起来。 507 后来听得里面女儿们拿他取笑。 508 因何打急了只管叫姐妹作什么? 509 莫不叫姐妹们去讨情讨饶? 510 你岂不愧些! 511 因叫了一声,果觉疼得好些。 512 遂得了秘法。 513 每疼痛之极,便连叫姐妹起来了。 514 你说可笑不可笑? 515 为他祖母溺爱不明,每因孙辱师责子 516 我所以辞了馆出来的。 517 这等子弟必不能守祖父基业、从师友规劝的。 518 只可惜他家几个好姊妹都是少有的! 519 便是贾府中现在三个也不错。 520 政老爷的长女名元春,因贤孝才德,选入宫作女史去了。