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Ta的回复 :61 《石头记》缘起既明,正不知那石头上面记着何人何事? 62 当日地陷东南,这东南有个姑苏城,城中阊门,最是红尘中一二等富贵风流之地。 63 这阊门外有个十里街,街内有个仁清巷,巷内有个古庙,因地方狭窄,人皆呼作葫芦庙。 64 庙旁住着一家乡宦,姓甄名费字士隐。 65 嫡妻封氏,性情贤淑,深明礼义。 66 家中虽不甚富贵,然本地也推他为望族了。 67 因这甄士隐禀性恬淡,不以功名为念,每日只以观花种竹、酌酒吟诗为乐,倒是神仙一流人物。 68 只是一件不足:年过半百,膝下无儿,只有一女乳名英莲,年方三岁。 69 一日炎夏永昼,士隐于书房闲坐,手倦抛书,伏几盹睡。 70 不觉朦胧中走至一处,不辨是何地方。 71 忽见那厢来了一僧一道,且行且谈。 72 只听道人问道:你携了此物,意欲何往? 73 那僧笑道:你放心,如今现有一段风流公案正该了结,这一干风流冤家尚未投胎入世。 74 趁此机会,就将此物夹带于中,使他去经历经历。 75 那道人道:原来近日风流冤家又将造劫历世,但不知起于何处,落于何方? 76 那僧道:此事说来好笑。 77 在西方灵河岸上,看见那灵河岸上三生石畔有棵绛珠仙草,遂日以甘露灌溉,这绛珠草始得久延岁月。 78 后来既受天地精华,复得甘露滋养,遂脱了草木之胎,幻化人形,仅仅修成女体。 79 终日游于离恨天外,饥餐秘情果,渴饮灌愁水。 80 只因尚未酬报灌溉之德,故甚至五内郁结着一段缠绵不尽之意。
Ta的回复 :[图片]
Ta的回复 :好的,《红楼梦》原文与译文网盘链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1whtwnCFB7S7x8dxhfg-IsQ
Ta的回复 :好的
Ta的回复 :61 Now that the origin of the story is clear, let us see what was recorded on the Stone. 62 Long ago the earth dipped downwards in the southeast, and in that southeast part was a city named Gusu; and the quarter around Changmen Gate of Gusu was one of the most fashionable centres of wealth and nobility in the world of men. 63 Outside this Changmen Gate was a certain Ten-li Street, off which ran the Lane of Humanity and Purity; and in this lane stood an old temple, which being built in such a narrow space was known from its shape as Gourd Temple. 64 Beside this temple lived a gentleman named Zhen Fei, whose courtesy name was Shiyin. 65 His wife, née Feng, was a worthy virtuous woman with a strong sense of propriety and right. 66 Although neither very rich nor noble, their family was highly regarded in that locality. 67 Zhen Shiyin had a quiet disposition. Instead of hankering after wealth or rank, he was quite happy tending flowers, growing bamboos, sipping wine or writing poems spending his time very much like an immortal. 68 One thing alone was lacking: he was now over fifty but had no son, only a three-year-old daughter named Yinglian. 69 One long hot summer day as Shiyin was sitting idly in his study, the book slipped from his hand and, leaning his head on the desk, he fell asleep. 70 In dream he travelled to an unknown place. 71 Where he suddenly noticed a monk and a Taoist approaching, talking together. 72 He heard the Taoist ask: Where do you mean to take that stupid object? 73 Don’t worry, replied the monk. A love drama is about to be enacted, but not all its actors have yet been incarnated. 74 I’ m going to slip this silly thing in among them to give it the experience it wants. 75 So another batch of amorous sinners are bent on making trouble by reincarnation, commented the Taoist. Where will this drama take place? 76 It’s an amusing story. The monk smiled. 77 In the west, on the bank of the Sacred River, beside the Stone of Three Incarnations there grew a Vermilion Pearl Plant which was watered every day with sweet dew by the attendant Shen Ying in the Palace of Red Jade. 78 As the months and years went by and the Vermilion Pearl Plant imbibed the essences of heaven and earth and the nourishment of rain and dew, it cast off its plant nature and took human form, albeit only that of a girl. 79 All day long she roamed beyond the Sphere of Parting Sorrow, staying her hunger with the fruit Secret Love and quenching her thirst at the Sea of Brimming Grief. 80 But her heart was heavy because she had not repaid the care lavished on her.
Ta的回复 :人工翻译整理的,需要把译文整理完才能做机器翻译
Ta的回复 :谢谢
Ta的回复 :自己受了他雨露之惠,我并无此水可还。 他若下世为人,我也同去走一遭,但把我一生所有的眼泪还他,也还得过了。 因此一事,就勾出多少风流冤家都要下凡,造历幻缘。 那道人道:果是好笑,从来不闻有还泪之说。 趁此你我何不也下世度脱几个,岂不是一场功德? 正合吾意。 你且同我到警幻仙子宫中将这蠢物交割清楚。 待这一干风流孽鬼下世,你我再去。 如今有一半落尘。 道人道:既如此,便随你去来。 却说甄士隐俱听得明白,遂不禁上前施礼。 笑问道:二位仙师请了。 适闻仙师所谈因果,实人世罕闻者,但弟子愚拙,不能洞悉明白。 若蒙大开痴顽,备细一闻,弟子洗耳谛听,稍能警省,亦可免沉沦之苦了。 二仙笑道:此乃玄机,不可预泄。 到那时只不要忘了我二人,便可跳出火坑矣。 士隐听了不便再问。 因道:玄机固不可泄露,但适云蠢物,不知为何,或可得见否? 那僧说:若问此物,倒有一面之缘。 士隐接了看时,原来是块鲜明美玉。
Ta的回复 :[图片]
Ta的回复 :He gave me sweet dew, said Vermilion Pearl, but I’ve no water to repay his kindness. If he’s going down to the world of men, I would like to go too so that if I repay him with as many tears as I can shed in a lifetime I may be able to clear this debt. This induced many other amorous spirits who had not atoned for their sins to accompany them and take part in this drama. That certainly is funny, remarked the Taoist. I’ve never heard of repayment with tears before. Why don’t you and I take this chance to go too and win over a few of them? That would be a worthy deed. Exactly what I was thinking. But first we must take this stupid object to the palace of the Goddess of Disenchantment and clear all the formalities. After all these romantic souls have gone down we can follow. So far only half of them have descended to earth. In that case I’m ready to go with you, said the Taoist. Zhen Shiyin had heard every word of their conversation and could not resist accosting them with a bow. Greetings, immortal masters! he said with a smile. Rare indeed is the opportunity to listen to such a discussion of cause and effects as I have just heard. But I am too dull to grasp it. If you would kindly elucidate to enlighten me, I promise to listen most attentively. For profiting by your wisdom may prove my salvation. This is a mystery which we cannot divulge. The two immortals smiled. When the time comes, think of us. Then you may be able to escape from the fiery pit. Shiyin could hardly press them. I mustn’t probe into a mystery, he said, but could you show me that object you mentioned just now? If you want to know, you are destined in your life to meet with it, said the monk. With that he produced a beautiful piece of translucent jade and handed it to Shiyin.
Ta的回复 :这个翻译是基于杨宪益先生的译文整理的
Ta的回复 :现在还在人工翻译做语料的阶段,还没开始机器翻译
Ta的回复 :101 上面字迹分明,镌着通灵宝玉四字。 102 后面还有几行小字,正欲细看时,那僧便说已到幻境,就强从手中夺了去。 103 和那道人竟过了一座大石牌坊,上面大书四字,乃是太虚幻境。 104 两边又有一副对联道: 105 假作真时真亦假。 106 无为有处有还无。 107 士隐意欲也跟着过去,方举步时,忽听一声霹雳若山崩地陷。 108 士隐大叫一声,定睛看时,只见烈日炎炎,芭蕉冉冉,梦中之事便忘了一半。 109 又见奶母抱了英莲走来,士隐见女儿越发生得粉装玉琢,乖觉可喜。 110 便伸手接来抱在怀中斗他玩耍一回;又带至街前,看那过会的热闹。 111 方欲进来时,只见从那边来了一僧一道。 112 那僧癞头跣足,那道跛足蓬头,疯疯癫癫,挥霍谈笑而至。 113 及到了他门前,看见士隐抱着英莲,那僧便大哭起来。 114 又向士隐道:施主,你把这有命无运、累及爹娘之物抱在怀内作甚! 115 士隐听了,知是疯话,也不睬他。 116 那僧还说:舍我罢!舍我罢! 117 士隐不耐烦,便抱着女儿转身,才要进去,那僧乃指着他大笑。 118 惯养娇生笑你痴,菱花空对雪澌澌。 119 好防佳节元宵后,便是烟消火灭时。 120 士隐听得明白,意欲问他来历。
Ta的回复 :[图片]
Ta的回复 :101 On the obverse were carved the words Precious Jade of Spiritual Understanding. 102 Before Shiyin could look carefully at the columns of smaller characters on the reverse the monk snatched it away from him saying: We’ve reached the Land of Illusion. 103 He passed with the Taoist through a large stone archway on which was inscribed: Illusory Land of Great Void. 104 A couplet on the two pillars read: 105 When false is taken for true, true becomes false. 106 If non-being turns into being, being becomes non-being. 107 Shiyin was starting after the two immortals when he heard a fearful crash, as if mountains had collapsed and the earth split asunder. 108 With a cry he woke up and stared about him. There was the fiery sun still blazing down on the rustling plantain leaves. Already half of his dream had slipped his mind. 109 The nurse came up then with Yinglian in her arms, and it struck Shiyin that his daughter was growing prettier and more lovable. 110 He picked her up and played with her for a while, then took her to the gate to watch a religious procession pass by. 111 He was just about to go in again when a monk and a Taoist priest drew near, laughing and gibbering like two maniacs. 112 The monk was barefooted, his head scabby; the priest, lame with tangled, tousled hair. 113 When they reached Shiyin’s gate and saw the child in his arms, the monk burst into lamentations. 114 Why are you carrying that ill-fated creature, sir? he asked. She will bring nothing but trouble to her parents. 115 Shiyin thought the man was raving and paid no attention. 116 Give her to me! cried the monk. Give her to me! 117 Losing patience, Shiyin clasped his daughter more tightly and was turning to reenter the house when the monk pointed at him and let out a roar of laughter. 118 Fool, to care for this tender child. An image in the mirror, snow melting away. 119 Beware what will follow the Lantern Feast. The vanishing like smoke when the fire burns out. 120 Shiyin, hearing this clearly, wondered what it meant.
Ta的回复 :好的,谢谢
Ta的回复 :121 只听道人说道:你我不必同行,就此分手,各干营生去罢。 122 三劫后我在北邙山等你,会齐了同往太虚幻境销号。 123 那僧道:最妙,最妙! 124 说毕,二人一去,再不见个踪影了。 125 士隐心中此时自忖:这两个人必有来历,很该问他一问,如今后悔却已晚了。 126 这士隐正在痴想,忽见隔壁葫芦庙内寄居的一个穷儒走来。 127 这贾雨村原系湖州人氏,也是诗书仕宦之族。 128 因他生于末世,父母祖宗根基已尽,人口衰丧,只剩得他一身一口。 129 在家乡无益,因进京求取功名,再整基业。 130 自前岁来此,又淹蹇住了,暂寄庙中安身,每日卖文作字为生。 131 故士隐常与他交接。 132 当下雨村见了士隐,忙施礼陪笑道:老先生倚门伫望,敢街市上有甚新闻么? 133 士隐笑道:非也。 134 适因小女啼哭,引他出来作耍。 135 正是无聊的很,贾兄来得正好,请入小斋,彼此俱可消此永昼。 136 说着便令人送女儿进去,自携了雨村来至书房中,小童献荼。 137 方谈得三五句话,忽家人飞报:严老爷来拜。 138 士隐慌忙起身谢道:恕诓驾之罪,且请略坐,弟即来奉陪。 139 雨村起身也让道:老先生请便。 140 晚生乃常造之客,稍候何妨。
Ta的回复 :[图片]
Ta的回复 :121 The Taoist told the monk: This is where our paths divide. Each must go about his own business. 122 Three aeons from now I shall wait for you at Mount Beimang, and together we can go to the Land of Illusion to have this affair expunged from the register. 123 Very good, said the monk. 124 Then both vanished without a trace. 125 Shiyin realized then that these were no ordinary men and regretted not having questioned them. 126 His rueful reflections were cut short by the arrival of a poor scholar who lived next door in Gourd Temple. 127 A native of Huzhou, he was the last of a line of scholars and officials. 128 His parents had exhausted the family property and died leaving him alone in the world. 129 Since nothing was to be gained by staying at home, he had set out for the capital in the hope of securing a position and restoring the family fortunes. 130 But by the time he had reached here a couple of years ago his money had run out and he had gone to live in the temple where he made a precarious living by working as a scrivener. 131 For this reason Shiyin saw a good deal of him. 132 Having greeted Shiyin, Yucun asked, What are you watching from your gate, sir? Is there any news in town? 133 Nothing, was the reply. 134 My little girl was crying, so I brought her out to play. 135 You couldn't have arrived at a better moment, as I was feeling thoroughly bored. Come in and help me while away the long summer day. 136 He told a servant to take his daughter inside, and led Yucun into his study, where a boy served tea. 137 They had not exchanged many remarks when a servant hurried in to announce the arrival of a certain Mr.Yan. 138 Then Shiyin excused himself, saying, Forgive my rudeness. Do you mind waiting here for a few minutes? 139 Don't stand on ceremony, sir, said Yucun, rising. 140 I am a regular guest here, I don't mind waiting.
Ta的回复 :肯定啊,机器翻译现在的BLEU值最高也就40多